Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How about helping someone without thinking of your own safety? Well, this man did just that as he jumped into frigid water to rescue a woman. God bless this police officer.

Hero Cop Jumps Into Frigid Waters To Rescue Woman

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A 12 year old girl oozing with talent painted God and the heaven majestically. Goosebumps all over. Wonderfully created.

12 Year Old Girl Paints Heaven, Unbelievable!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Officer Lawrence DePrimo says he wasn't aware he was being photographed when he gave a homeless man a new pair of boots. This shows you don't need anything or anyone for your kindness to be known. This officer's act of kindness will be rewarded more.

NYPD cop's act of kindness goes viral